# Introduction

Moonquakes's php part use a php framework named hyperf. Hyperf's micro-service components support JSON-RPC primitively, so it can intercommunicate with Moonquakes' golang and java components easily.

# What Is Hyperf

Hyperf is an extremely performant and flexible PHP CLI framework, powered by a state-of-the-art coroutine server and a large number of battle-tested components. Aside from decisively beating PHP-FPM frameworks in benchmarks, Hyperf is unique in its focus on flexibility and composition. Hyperf ships with an AOP-enabling (aspect-oriented programming) dependency injector to ensure components and classes are pluggable and meta-programmable. All of Hyperf's core components strictly follow PSR (opens new window) standards and can be used in other frameworks.

Hyperf's architecture is built using a combination of Coroutines, Dependency injection, Events, Annotations, and AOP. In addition to providing MySQL, Redis and other common coroutine clients, Hyperf also provides coroutine compatible versions of WebSocket server / client, JSON RPC server / client, gRPC server / client, Zipkin/Jaeger (OpenTracing) client, Guzzle HTTP client, Elasticsearch client, Consul client, ETCD client, AMQP component, Apollo configuration center, Aliyun ACM, ETCD configuration center, Token bucket algorithm-based limiter, Universal connection pool, Circuit breaker, Swagger, Swoole Tracker, Snowflake, Simply Redis MQ, RabbitMQ, NSQ, Nats, Seconds level crontab, Custom Processes, etc. Therefore, developers can entirely avoid implementing coroutine compatible versions of these libraries.

Rest assured, Hyperf is still a PHP framework. Hyperf provides all the packages you expect: Middleware, Event Manager, Coroutine-optimized Eloquent ORM (and Model Cache!), Translation, Validation, View engine (Blade/Smarty/Twig/Plates/ThinkTemplate) and more.

# More About Hyperf

Hyperf Docs (opens new window)